Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Pact | Jodi Picoult

Author: Jodi Picoult
Publisher: Avon (August 29, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0061150142
ISBN-13: 978-0061150142

It was only a matter of time before Chris and Emily fell blissfully in love. Brought together at birth by parents who were already the best of friends, Chris and Emily spent every waking moment together developing a bond no one could break. Their parents always knew and hoped the two would fall in love and marry some day. It didn't take long for their hopes to become true. Emily and Chris started dating young, as the years went by their love grew stronger eventually leading into intimacy. Emily was uncomfortable with being intimate with Chris because of something from her childhood even Chris knew nothing about. Chris kept pressuring her until eventually she gave in. (I didn't like this part of the story, It's never OK to pressure someone into something they don't want to do.) It's this intimacy that would eventually lead to the beginning of the end.

It was a phone call at 3:00 am that would divide the Hartes and the Golds after seventeen years of friendship. The families are called to the hospital where they learn of Emily's death and a suicide pact gone wrong between Emily and Chris. Despite Chris's story about a suicide pact, the police believe something very different happened. Something more a long the lines of murder. Chris is thrown in jail and faced with the fact that he could spending the majority of his life locked in a prison cell. The families are both torn apart and trying desperately to just make it through another day.

The Pact was a tragic, but riveting tale of two very close families torn apart by a truly heartbreaking event. The novel switches been the past and the present, allowing you to understand the characters and what brought them to the point they are at in the story. I love Jodi Picoult's writing. She's very good at hooking you early and reeling you in so slowly until the end where she yanks you up and leaves you breathless. Her novels touch on real life issue's giving you a connection with the story. The Pact was another one of her novel's that pulled at my heart strings. It wasn't a book filled with pink fuzzies and balloons. Picoult touched on the pain and anguish both families faced through the time of Emily's death until the end of Chris's murder trial. The pain was real, the characters were believable, the story was powerful. It's not a story you can just move on from in a blink of an eye. The Pact will stick with you for some time.

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