Sunday, September 26, 2010

Busy Little Bee

It's been awhile, but for good reason :D Hubby has been on vaca for our anniversary (the 22nd) so we've been out shopping and having a good time. Now we're both so tired from all the running, all we want to do is sit around the house and do nothing.

We started out doing my favorite thing ever, thrift store hunting. Every now and then I like to take a day and go to all the thrift stores we can think of. Thrift stores are my heart and soul. I love finding old / vintage things like linens, china, books, home decor etc. I would much rather have something old with history than something new that everyone else has in their home. I found some really nice things including a new headboard for our bed! It's vintage and adorable :D

We also went and took photos in this cute little town I love. While there we met an adorable puppy named Krimbo. I'll post a photo of him for you to see. The light was amazing!! I got some really beautiful photos. I plan to go back again tomorrow :D Most of our time there was spent talking to Krimbo's owner so I didn't get to photograph all the things I wanted to.

I also read Eat Pray Love and then went to see the movie. You gotta love Julia Roberts! She is just an angel ♥ So about the book and movie. I liked the movie but I loved the book. I was able to connect more with the book, probably because it goes into a lot more detail than the movie. All in all the story itself of Elizabeth Gilbert's journey really touched me. I would recommend both the memoir and the movie :D


  1. Happy Anniversary!
    Sounds like you had a wonderful day:)
    Beautiful photos by the way!

  2. oh these photos are beautiful!
