Thursday, October 20, 2011

Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn

I got a few days off, and then Sunday I'm leaving for an overnight stay in Erie. Last night I was so tired, I ended up sleeping 12 hours. I woke this morning feeling like an entirely different person! Waking up at 3 or 4 am for work is rough, but especially when your not used to it!

Yesterday we were in Greenville, Pa. It's not very far from Ohio, where this man at an animal sanctuary decided to let all of the animals lose and then commit suicide. There literally was lions, tigers, and bears roaming around. I'm just thankful none of them made an appearance where we were!

You have to wonder, why people do the things they do... They had to shoot and kill all the animals. There were an estimated 60 animals on the loose. Can you imagine 18 tigers running around your neighborhood? I'm not even sure how many lions there were, but it had to of been a pretty high number as well. It's just so sad that all of these animals lost their lives, but I understand the police had to do it. You can't leave exotic animals roam around like their domestic cats. So sad :[

Well, I got lots to do around the house so I better get to it! I've been procrastinating all day :/

CNN story about the animals | Ohio sheriff: all animals believed accounted for

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