Friday, September 10, 2010

The Old Fence

I'll be the very first to admit that I'm no longer as young as I once was, and I'm no longer in shape like I once was. With that being said, let me explain :P I went for a walk today, camera in hand all ready to shoot some photos and get some exercise. I found out fast that I just don't go for enough walks anymore, and that I seriously need to step it up and start again! I used to walk every single day with my camera. I miss that and my body needs that. So I'm gonna step it up and take a walk at least once a day.

Besides my realization that I'm not in the greatest shape, I got some really nice photos on my walk. My entire life I walked past this fence and always loved it. I've been home now for almost a year and never photographed it. I call it being lazy :X ( I'm honest! ) So, today I got my chance. I love the trees that hang over it, the leaves that fall on the ground by it, and the oldness and color of the fence. Enough talking, here are some of the shots from my photo walk :D

For more photos please check out my flickr


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. All the photos are beautiful, but my favorite is the lonely leaf on the bottom.
    I really enjoyed reading your blog, Christine:)

  3. wonderful...lovely DoF, Bokeh & Tones :)

    like your Blog ;)

  4. these leaf photos are wonderful! bring on autumn! :D
